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118 English Articles&Stories About Morocco

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Mohammedia News


  • COVID-19 real or not real?

    This is what I saw during the COVID-19 stay home.

    I waited and watched for several weeks. I saw the city of Toronto as empty as the planet Mars. I watched people in several line-ups waiting near grocery stores, as nervous as a brick wall. I saw them confused and lost in their thoughts. I watched how one of the busiest cities in the world quickly turned into a ghost city that could scare you if you go outside your home.

    On two or three occasions, inside the subway, daytime, I observed muggers attacking people. I saw a white man fighting a little girl, an immigrant from India. I saw him tugging at her coat sleeves and pulling her off the train with the intention to rape her in there. I watched how she barely managed to escape him and hid behind four men inside the train.

    I watched how the media spread fears and panic with their powerful words and tools to request all of us remain inside our homes. Several times, I watched from a side road some people avoiding other people because of the idea they may get the virus and die. On one occasion, I was in the hospital for another matter, and I watched how heavy the COVID-19 protocol was. I had to answer a lot of questions, and I had to wear a mask before I was able to access the hospital building. But, once I was inside, I saw no COVID-19 crisis instead everything was normal. I saw nurses having their coffee time, laughing and chatting in a friendly conversation about something else than COVID-19 news. I didn’t see patients lying on the floor, near corners, and calling for help in dying bodies.

    In Morocco, one relative went to CHP Hospital in Mohammedia for heart problems but died. She did not have the COVID-19 because she did the test prior to her heart surgery, and it was negative. She was a happy mother with two boys and a girl and very much admired by so many people in the family and the community.

    Surprisingly, when her husband and son tried to get her body out of the hospital, they were told firmly that she died due to COVID-19; therefore, she must stay in the hospital. It was widely spread that the government of Morocco was getting money for each COVID-19 death. Despite that, her close family fought back and requested her dead body be released immediately. After several back and forth arguments with hospital staff, they succeeded in getting her. Her funeral ceremony was a happy ceremony because her family was able to do it.

    With what I saw, I am not sure if the COVID-19 was as the media told us about it.