The Seven New English Words of the Day

118 English Articles&Stories About Morocco

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  • 41719500147

    This man in a wheelchair is rolling in the wrong space or side of the street. Actually, he is trapped because he could not get back onto the sidewalk. The bus was behind him, and perhaps the bus driver was thinking, “Whatcha doin’ in there, Mr. wheelchair man?” In Mohammedia, the nature of the sidewalk seems unpractical for disabled people who use a wheelchair to go to places daily, but thanks to one man who helped him get back onto the sidewalk safely.

  • 51719587432

    Can you guess what these are?

    These three metallic tubes coming out of the surface of Corniche-Beach ground in Mohammedia look like an underground ventilation system or a seawater desalination system for producing freshwater or a secret project for using seawater to grow crops and vegetables, but in reality these three metallic tubes are another look and design of beach garbage bins. Do you think the design is brilliant or odd?

  • 61720178627

    These workers are working for the City in Mohammedia, and you may think that obviously they are getting a good salary or at least a fair compensation of money because their work condition is tough and they perform a physical job to clean up corner by corner of each side and area of streets in Mohammedia, but no, as per what they are saying, they are getting below the minimum wage, 1850 dirhams per month to be exact, about US $185, no kidding! Not only that, but they are not getting paid for working Saturday and Sunday. Perhaps the City should reconsider and adjust their salary to meet the government minimum wage. What do you think?